Feng Shui Expertise
Feng Shui offices in companies or institutions help support the human dimension by organizing the workspace in a harmonious and revitalizing way.
Creating an environment that respects the principles of Feng Shui enriches your KPIs, is not more expensive and allows you to increase the quality of work and human relations in the office.
When Feng Shui becomes a corporate or institutional policy, it helps support new models of thought that integrate meaning, nature, the individual and the connection between all, as components of responsible prosperity and new fame.
The creation of spaces
healthy and harmonious
allows employees to:
for better relationships
real proactivity
better results.
Feng Shui Professional Spaces
Interior designer or direct HR / Happiness Manager
through a global approach to space and the development/decoration project.
combining technical and budgetary constraints with the principles of Feng Shui
collectively, but also personally.
The Recommendations relate to:
2D and 3D plans / Trend boards / Company quotes / Site monitoring
* Barbera Interiors, partner for 15 years
Breathe at work!
I support inspiring business leaders, committed to enlightened management practices.
The virtues of respect for people and life at work are the foundations of the company's success in all its dimensions.
Feng Shui supports your committed construction and development projects,
respectful of humans and their environment.
Together, let us bring together new players for whom economic, human and environmental interests are no longer in competition but complement each other in the service of life.
The more Feng Shui expertise is carried out upstream of a project, the easier it is to integrate recommendations at no cost:
real estate selection phase, work phase, moving.
Feng Shui is not Zen and has no predefined style:
it adapts to the DNA of the place, to the vision of the architect or the manager.
Melanie Bouchetard
06 03 50 23 21
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