The village

The Village

Operation: Outlet

City: Villefontaine, Lyon

Surface : 31 000 m2

Promoter: Phalsbourg Company

Architect: Gianni Ranaulo

Year: 2018

My Feng Shui intervention stage: Start of work

My Feng Shui mission:

  • The village spirit desired by the developer evokes the idea of feeling good, in a cocoon environment where it is good to live and stroll. That the clientele wants to stay on the site is the challenge for all businesses. My Feng Shui intervened in the design of the circulation of energy within this immense space: to allow visitors to feel good everywhere, that there are no axes resembling corridors which give a feeling of unease, nor spaces too open where the energy disperses and beings get tired then get lost.
  • The other major point that has been the subject of recommendations is that of the Entrance Doors from the outside as well as the Accesses to the exit of the Car Parks. These strategic points that instantly place the visitor in good or bad conditions depending on the first impression he makes, must be treated with great precision, so that the engraved experience is excellent. No space is left to chance, not even the purely functional ones.

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