Consultations Feng Shui

Feng Shui in establishments open to the public is applied advantageously since the quality of the welcome and customer experience counts as the primary criterion.

If this seems certain for Feng Shui Businesses, Feng Shui Hotel Lobby, Feng Shui Museum Halls & Shops or Feng Shui Well-being Centers, it is the same for independent offices of doctors, lawyers , coach, who thus provide their clients with an additional dimension.

Indeed, as soon as they walk through the door, customers benefit from a feeling of relaxation and reassurance, placing them in the best conditions to successfully complete their challenge.

                        SHOPS & LIBERAL PROFESSIONS                                                     HOTELS & MUSEUMS                                             INSTITUTES, SPAS, MEDICAL CENTERS, EHPAD

Your Feng Hui ERP space, let’s talk about it


The more Feng Shui expertise is carried out upstream of a project, the easier it is to integrate the recommendations at no cost:

property selection phase, works or moving.

Feng Shui is not Zen and has no predefined style:

it adapts to the DNA of the place, to the vision of the architect or manager.

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