Ba Zi Consultations & Rates
At the Le Nouveau Monde Institute
21 rue d’Argenteuil Paris 1st
Metro Opera / Pyramids
The Ba Zi or Chinese Astrology Chart is a self-knowledge tool that allows us to make better choices for a better life.
Knowing the energies that make us up allows us to better understand ourselves, better manage our emotions, our potentials and our limits. In doing so, we improve our lives and those around us, because we know what we are doing, how and why.
Ba Zi teaches us to live according to our best assets and to put our energy into projects that have meaning and results.
And Ba Zi
Chinese astrology
Ba Zi is a complementary practice to Feng Shui:
Feng Shui allows you to know and manage the energies in your environment;
Ba Zi is a way to know and manage the energies in your psyche.
The two respond to each other
Calculating your Chinese Ba Zi chart
is made from your date, time and place of birth.
It indicates the deck of cards you have in your hands to live your potential by:
Ba Zi's birth chart
When you know yourself from the perspective of your energies,
you learn to master them and channel them according to
your goals or circumstances you have to go through.
At any moment you know:
What you will experience
The Ba Zi birth chart
for his child it is:
Melanie Bouchetard
06 03 50 23 21
©Myfengshui Melaniebouchetard 2023
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