Astrology Ba Zi


Ba Zi Consultations & Rates

At the Le Nouveau Monde Institute

21 rue d’Argenteuil Paris 1st

Metro Opera / Pyramids

The Ba Zi or Chinese Astrology Chart is a self-knowledge tool that allows us to make better choices for a better life.

Knowing the energies that make us up allows us to better understand ourselves, better manage our emotions, our potentials and our limits. In doing so, we improve our lives and those around us, because we know what we are doing, how and why.

Ba Zi teaches us to live according to our best assets and to put our energy into projects that have meaning and results.

                       SPIRITUAL THERAPY & PRACTICE                              COMPLETE ASTROLOGICAL CHART & COLOR MAP                                                 COACHING

And Ba Zi

Chinese astrology

Ba Zi is a complementary practice to Feng Shui:

Feng Shui allows you to know and manage the energies in your environment;

Ba Zi is a way to know and manage the energies in your psyche.

The two respond to each other


Calculating your Chinese Ba Zi chart

is made from your date, time and place of birth.

It indicates the deck of cards you have in your hands to live your potential by:

  • Learning to know yourself better in your wholeness and your uniqueness.
  • Understanding yourself without judgment by reading the energies that make you up
  • Decoding your energy signature with your points of support as well as your challenges, thanks to your 5 Elements and your 4 Personal Animals of the zodiac
  • Gaining certainty about your life choices and your attitudes.
  • Improving your character and your life, as well as that of those around you.

Ba Zi's birth chart

When you know yourself from the perspective of your energies,

you learn to master them and channel them according to

your goals or circumstances you have to go through.

At any moment you know:

  • Who you are deeply,
  • Your life path,
  • Your natural genius assets,
  • Your difficulties and hindering patterns,
  • Your emotional system,
  • Your level of confidence,
  • Your balancing activities.

What you will experience

  • Meet you !
  • Free yourself from the weight of circumstances, judgments, your education which have cut you off from yourself.
  • Give yourself your place, speak your truth, quietly.
  • Create your benchmarks in your interiority and no longer outside, to create the life that suits you.
  • Make a new start by removing blockages and old patterns that have been unmasked and dissolved. 
  • Live on a new vibrational plane and meet new people and situations that support you.



The Ba Zi birth chart

for his child it is:

  • Understand his inner world.
  • Support him as closely as possible to his needs in his daily construction.
  • Position yourself consciously by limiting the transmission of fears, misunderstandings and projections.
  • Recognize the objective forces that push your child to act in a way that disorients you or makes you angry.
  • Take a new, more understanding look at what is happening deep inside, and defuse loops of conflict.
  • Support him in the deployment of his true and unique nature with new keys.



 Every year, an update consultation allows you to know in advance the trend of the new year for yourself and your loved ones: what to do, what not to do, where to put your energy, where not to put it, what are the opportunities, what are the pitfalls; it's about preparing consciously, adapting and going through the adventure of life with the key information in your hands.

I'm listening to you

If you would like to contact me to tell me about yourself and consider how to work together according to your particular situation and your life goals, you can make an appointment with me by clicking here
Mélanie Bouchetard étude Feng Shui à domicile Paris
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