Ma Carte Ba Zi
The complete Ba Zi Astrological Chart
A map of your inner world
Know its entire theme
leave with your personal card
in the colors of its 5 Elements & its areas of life
For who
Calculation of your theme or that of your child I Complete analysis of the theme upstream:
Self, Work, Wealth, Couple, Children, Knowledge, Emotional system, Hindering patterns, Natural assets, Balancing.
Appointment for restitution of the theme 2 hours I Creation of your color map I. Follow-up
Understand yourself better I Better control your emotions I Play the cards in your hands & Better control your life
or give your child the keys to his deep nature and balance, teach him to manage his emotions,
resolve conflicts with him.
on demand
Melanie Bouchetard
06 03 50 23 21
©Myfengshui Melaniebouchetard 2023
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