My Ba Zi Coaching
"Self Connection"
Support Package
Metabolize and fortify
a new vision of oneself and the world
to transform your life
For who
Prerequisite: Calculation of your theme & Complete analysis of your theme
5 One to One Sessions I 5 Sessions by telephone I Hotline 24/7, for:
Women :
Reconnect with your inner self I Overcome feminine conditioning I Move from disesteem and resentment to freedom
Reconnect with your inner self I Harmonize family relationships I Relax and move from control to contribution
Use and control your personal energies to manage any situation, consciously
Regulate your emotions to position yourself, naturally
Set up your benchmarks inside to create your life outside.
Anchor your passage in your new reality.
* Personalized “Self Connection” coaching can also be done in an “Along the water” version, price per session €140
Melanie Bouchetard
06 03 50 23 21
©Myfengshui Melaniebouchetard 2023
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