Consultations Ba Zi
Ba Zi in business allows teams to receive confidential personalized coaching with the keys to their emotional system to learn how to manage it.
44% of employees say they are in psychological distress at work*, a figure which could be reduced, for the benefit of those concerned as well as their interlocutors, by taking individual responsibility for their emotional system and the means to rebalance it.
Each employee with access to this information about themselves modifies their involutionary patterns and generates instantaneous collective positive change.
For history
In Ancient China, Taoist masters calculated the Ba Zi of candidates
for the recruitment of Imperial Officers according to their natural abilities.
For history
In Ancient China, Taoist masters calculated the Ba Zi of candidates
for the recruitment of Imperial Officers according to their natural abilities.
*11th barometer of the psychological health of French employees, study carried out by Opinionway for Empreinte humaine (March 2023)
What we will see together during this first meeting:
The Solutions may include one or more of these possibilities:
Melanie Bouchetard
06 03 50 23 21
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