
Bandai Namco

Operation: Head office

City: Lyon

Surface : 4 550 m2

Promoter: Cardinal

Architect: HGA Hubert Godet

Landscaper: MOZ Paysage

Year: 2021

My Feng Shui intervention stage: Architect Competition

La mission de My Feng Shui :

    Integrate the codes of Asian culture from which the brand comes. Be at the forefront of new challenges in the world of work by creating a peaceful universe, favorable to the concentration and realization of ideas, which uses the codes of Japanese architecture and Chinese, Feng Shui, for a sensitive, harmonious, calm and refined atmosphere. Bring a differentiating added value to the Competition file.

What the mission made me understand:

    Certain building and construction professionals, Developers but also BET and Companies, are open to the notion of vital energy in places and are seeking explanations on the interactions between energy (my field) and matter (their field ).Our collaborative work on this project pushed me to advance my discourse so that any neophyte can immediately understand the usefulness of this innovative dimension, although ancestral, for future users and for anyone who shows curiosity, without fear of asking questions. Connected to the teams by the same dedication and the same pragmatism, I measured to what extent I like to concretely bring the spiritual dimension into matter and how much the animated material dimension also altruistic intention serves the success of humans at all stages of the project.
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