
Mélanie Bouchetard Expert and Coach Feng Shui & Ba Zi in Paris. Change the way you look at yourself and your place, to change your life. Serving your gentle personal evolution, I support you in your objective by unlocking the energies of your inner world: your place of life with Feng Shui & your character with Ba Zi

Feng Shui

Mélanie Bouchetard. Feng Shui Paris & région parisienne

Feng Shui at home allows you to create a living environment for yourself and your family that is welcoming, soothing and regenerating.

Arranging and decorating your house according to the rules of Feng Shui does not cost more and allows you to bring well-being to each member of the family.

When Feng Shui is integrated as a rule of life, it allows you to better understand your potential and limits and to configure your space to support your life objectives.


Chinese astrology

The Ba Zi or birth chart is a tool for self-knowledge that allows us to make better choices for a better life.

Knowing the energies that inhabit us allows us to better understand ourselves, better manage our emotions, our potentials and our limits. In doing so, we improve our lives and those around us.

Ba Zi teaches us to live according to our best assets and to put our energy into projects that have meaning and results.

Feng Shui & Ba Zi offers for Professional Spaces are available on our website.

All Feng Shui & Ba Zi consultations are also done by video and in English, for our clients around the world.


Mélanie Boucherard I 06 03 50 23 21

 SIREN 511 526 436

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